RDF description Dr. Unai Hernández

Postdoctoral Research Associate & Project Manager

Feb. 2009  -  Present
unai.hernandez [at] deusto.es


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Unai Hernández-Jayo holds a PhD in Telecommunications from the University of Deusto. Since 2004 he has been working as a lecturer in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Deusto. He teaches both undergraduate and graduate degrees in the area of acoustics, electronics and analog and digital communication systems. He also works as researcher and project manager at the DeustoTech Mobility Unit at the Deusto Institute of Technology (DeustoTech), where he is responsible for the work area on the development of wireless communications solutions in the field of vehicular communications. Moreover, he is part of WebLab-Deusto (www.weblab.deusto.es) research team, leading the design and development of remote laboratories focused on analog electronics. He has an extensive experience in R&D management, working in projects and technology transfer actions. As part of them, He has more than 70 publications in relevant international conferences and journals on vehicular communications, Intelligent Transport Systems, VANETs, remote laboratories, advanced learning technologies, including indexed journal articles.


Shows the graph relationship between Unai Hernández and his co-authors.

Number of publications
Timeline with the number of publications (by type and total amount) authored by Unai Hernández through the years.

Author place
Distribution of publications by author place, classified by publication type authored by Unai Hernández.

Tag cloud
Weighed list of the topics used in the publications authored by Unai Hernández, visually represented as a cloud.

Similar people
Performs an analysis based on the topics used by Unai Hernández, looking for similar people having published in those topics. The greatest the overlap, the strongest the similarity between them.

Displays the projects in which Unai Hernández has been involved through the years.

Tag cloud
Weighed list of the topics used in the projects Unai Hernández has worked in, visually represented as a cloud.

Displays in a visual way the different positions Unai Hernández has held.