114 projects

Title Period Type
POSTLowCIT: Low-noise and low-carbon freight delivery for Postal Operators to ensure last mile connections through optimized urban and long distance transport 2016 - 2019 Applied research project
CITYPORT: Plataforma tecnológica smartcity para la mejora de los procesos portuarios y generación de nuevos servicios 2016 - 2018 Applied research project
CITYTOOL: Plataforma Tecnológica CityTOOL para la Gestión Inteligente y Sostenible del Transporte y la Movilidad Urbana y Territorial 2016 - 2018 Applied research project
IoTT: Cloud platform based on lot to provide full integral services in goods transports 2016 - 2018 Applied research project
SMARTKALEA: Piloto SMARTKALEA utilizando motas BLE - WIFI 2016 - 2018 Project
TICKLESS: Las TICS Como Solución Para Un Control De Acceso Al Transporte Público Libre De Barreras 2016 - 2017 Applied research project
EKARRI: Plataforma para la integración de servicios avanzados sobre soluciones e-commerce para la optimización de transporte y reparto de mercancías de última milla 2016 - 2016 Applied research project
TOOLITS: Herramienta De Gestión Operacional De Tráfico Para Sistemas ITS Tradicionales Y Cooperativos 2016 - 2016 Applied research project
CYBERPARKS: Fostering knowledge about the relationship between ICTs and public spaces supported by stratergies to improve their use and attractiveness 2015 - 2018 Research project
ESPHIA: Enabling Seamless Positioning for helping Inhabitants Anywhere 2015 - 2018 Research project
Last update: September 23, 2019 - 08:16